MS 19

Risk-based damage assessment and prediction of infrastructure systems subjected to natural hazards


Cao Wang,

University of Wollongong, Australia

Hao Zhang,

The University of Sydney, Australia

Yue Li,

Case Western Reserve University, USA

You Dong,

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China


Infrastructure systems play a critical role in assuring modern society’s functionalities. Natural hazards (e.g., strong winds, earthquakes) are responsible for significant damage and socioeconomic ripple effects of these systems. One example is that an extreme winter weather struck much of the U.S. in February 2021, and caused a severe blackout along with several snow and ice storms, leaving millions of people without power. Motivated by the significant catastrophes caused by hazardous events, as well as increasing public awareness of the need to mitigate hazard damage and losses from such hazard events, it is expected that the infrastructure systems must possess an acceptable level of functionality before, during and after hazardous events to achieve community resilience goals. Under this context, assessment and prediction of the potential for damage to community’s infrastructure systems exposed to extreme natural hazards is an essential component for measuring and optimising resilience enhancement strategies for communities. To this end, a probabilistic framework should be employed, taking into account the uncertainties associated with the hazard-resisting capacities of the infrastructure systems as well as those associated with such extreme events. The objective of this special session is to present, discuss, and disseminate the recent developments in the approaches for risk-based the damage assessment and prediction of infrastructure systems subjected to natural hazards.